Discover Bank IRA - 30-Month Term

Invest in a traditional or Roth IRA CD for 30 months
Earn interest that consistently beats the national average!
Your investment is insured up to $250,000 by the FDIC
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Earn a higher than average interest rate on your IRA CD at Discover Bank. You can trust Discover will take care of your retirement funds with their 30-month IRA CD product. Discover Bank is a bank you can trust and is part of the Discover Financial Services Network, one of the most recognized and trusted financial service providers in the United States. Discover Bank offers both traditional and Roth IRAs so you can choose which one fits your financial situation better.
IRA CDs offered by Discover Bank have flexible terms, from 3 months to 10 years. This particular product is an IRA CD with a term of 30 months. So for the 2.5 years, you can watch your IRA investment grow with the help of this CD. If you like what you see, simply let the CD auto renew, or roll it into a longer CD with a higher interest rate!
Regardless of the term, Discover Bank IRA CDS have rates that consistently beat the national average and funds are insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per depositor. And customer service representatives are available 24/7 to help you answer any questions you might have regarding your IRA.
Sign up today for a traditional or a Roth IRA with Discover Bank and start investing in high-return CD products.