

13 Ways to Raise Quick Cash

Running a little short this month? It happens to all of us at one time or another. But, before you reach for your plastic, you might want to check out one of these 13 ways to raise some quick cash.

1.) Does anyone owe you money? It might be time to try to collect the money that you lent your cousin last fall. Even if you don't collect it's good to remind them about the debt.

Top 5 Weirdest Currencies in the World

Here at Creditnet, we try to guide consumers through the wild world of credit cards.  But this doesn't mean we're oblivious to the joy of having a stack of cold hard cash in your wallet. That said, not all stacks of cash are created equal.  No, we're not talking about exchange rates or any of that boring finance stuff.  We're talking about all the wacky currencies that exist across the globe. From beautiful to bizarre, the currencies of the world are as diverse as the cultures which produce them.  Take a look at the best of the best

A Cashless Life

It's a rare day when you are able to walk through any major city's downtown or financial district without being asked at least once: "Can you spare some change?" My answer is always, "No, sorry!" It's not that I'm void of all compassion or that I don't want to give away the money I've worked so hard to earn. But unless the panhandler has a credit card machine in his pocket, I literally can't spare change because I don't physically have any! I cannot remember the last time my wallet even came close to smelling the scent of a USD bill of any denomination.