how to save money

how to save money

Do Your Emotions Regulate Your Money?

What makes a shopper decide to buy one shirt over the other or a box of chocolates in addition to the fresh produce they planned to buy? Cravings and desires all stem from one thing: emotions. Emotions are defined as a 'natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood or relationships with other people.' Common emotions include fear, anger, sadness, joy, trust, surprise and anticipation. Each of these can affect the way you manage your money.

Money Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make in 2015

It is tradition for many people to view the start of a new year as a time to reset their goals in life. Often called resolutions, these goals usually involve personal health and fitness, work related issues, and financial goals. 
Financial goals are often hard to attain if they are not approached in the right manner. Just setting a goal to “get out of debt in 2015,” or “save for retirement” is not enough. It is important to know what to do, and what not to do, to achieve these financial goals.

Can Healthy Eating Save You Money?

Organic food, juice cleanses, and fancy new diets are all the rage these days. But these cost a lot of money. Organic food can be double the price of normal groceries, and juice cleanses and diets can cost up to hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. As a result, many consumers think that eating healthy is too expensive for them. It sounds much cheaper to stick to the dollar menu at McDonald’s.