personal finance tips

personal finance tips

Behavioral Finance 101

Personal finance is a difficult topic for most people. It combines several different tasks that the human brain just isn't wired to handle well, like forecasting a long ways into the future, making numerical predictions and calculations based on those forecasts, and assessing risk. Moreover, buying a house, saving for retirement, or other big financial decisions tend to be emotionally charged, so making an informed decision is even more difficult.

How to Organize Your Finances for the New Year

A new year is imminent, and well-planned individuals are now considering their new year’s resolutions for 2015. All over the country, consumers will quickly be signing up for gym memberships, purchasing self-help books and swearing off their wicked behaviors.

e-Finance App Review: Personal Capital - Editor's Choice for May, 2013

Anyone with a smart phone or a tablet knows that e-financing and mobile banking apps are constantly out-doing one another for iSupremacy in the digital finance age. Researching the best ones often amounts to a lot of reviews-reading and - unfortunately - some serious trial and error. And it sure feels like as soon as one feels right, there's another, better option to take its place.