For most people in their 20s, keeping their finances organized is probably not too high on their list. After just getting out of college, most recent graduates either have a credit card with a hefty balance or no credit card or credit history. The Discover It card can and will fix these problems for those millennials trying to get ahead in the financial world while at the same time earning some great perks along the way.
1. No Annual Fee
The last thing anyone, let alone 20-somethings, want to do is pay more than they have to. I know when I buy a ticket to a concert or a sporting event, racking up 15 bucks in fees on top of the ticket is endlessly frustrating. Discover It boasts no annual fee, so when you're handling your monthly finances you don't need to worry about that $75-$100 fee sneaking up on you and biting you where it hurts.
2. Cash Back
Here's what we all want, a card that works for you. Everyone shops online these days. Whether its clothes, cars, gadgets, games, movies (I could go on forever), everything you need is a click away. Discover gives you a whopping five percent cashback on up to $1,500 for purchases online through December 2013 and the standard one percent everywhere else.
3. Intro APR
Sometimes when you're starting out on your own for the first time there might be a few necessary purchases that you don't quite have the funds to acquire. A 14-month introductory zero percent APR allows you that wiggle room to get your life in high gear while giving you ample time to pay it off without worrying about interest kicking your butt.
4. Cash Back Concierge
So you've racked up those rewards, but maybe you're not the most technologically savvy individual out there. Despite what parents might think, not all 20-somethings are. If you ever need help on redeeming your hard-earned points you can give Discover's Cashback Concierge a call any time for a one-on-one tour that helps you get the most out of your points, tailored especially for how you specifically use your credit card.
5. Identity theft protection
No matter how old you are, feeling safe makes you feel better. You'll never be liable for fraudulent purchases with Discover who have a $0 Fraud Liability Guarantee.
So if you're looking for your first credit card or maybe even a second, Discover's perks can help you make the most of your finances.
Discover is a paid advertiser of this site.
Discover it®
Why do we recommend Discover credit cards? First and foremost, it’s their 5% Cashback Bonus® enrollment programs. Second, you can shop online through ShopDiscover® and receive up to another 20% in cash back discounts, making Discover® one of our favorite pure retail credit card companies.