Credit Education

Credit Education

The Truth About Retail Therapy

Retail therapy has become commonplace in today’s world. According to a survey conducted by TNS Global, more than half of Americans (64% of women and 40% of men) admit to engaging in “retail therapy,” or the act of shopping as an outlet to relieve stress and improve one’s mood. So, if you’ve ever felt sad, disappointed, angry, or even happy, you’re not alone in heading to the mall for some retail relaxation. 

Have You Outgrown Your Credit Card?

Having access to credit is a great thing. You can make large purchases and then pay for them in monthly installments, build a credit history and have an emergency fund in your wallet at all times. However, credit cards have added several new features and perks that older credit cards may not have had. That begs the question of whether or not you have outgrown your current credit card. 

Mid-year Check Up: Is Your Money in Order?

Life as a responsible adult means juggling and properly handling finances. The overwhelming majority of all adults throughout the nation have debt, with roughly a third of Americans falling into delinquency, according to a 2014 report from USA Today. The average person also has a minimum of two credit cards, a mortgage or similar loan, and other finances to juggle. Checking your personal finances is a necessity to keep in good standing with creditors and to keep your credit score, investments, interest rates, and other fiscal aspects healthy.

Is Your Partner Financially Unfaithful?

The National Endowment for Financial Education recently published a poll that revealed a startling new statistic: one third of adults involved in relationships that have combined finances admits to deceiving their significant other financially. More than 3 quarters of the individuals surveyed claimed that their relationships have been negatively by financial deceptions.

How to Score the Best Deals on Back to School Shopping

With August having started and summer quickly coming to a close, the school season is rapidly approaching. While you may have left over supplies from the previous school year, each teacher inevitably requires either more items or more expensive items, making the end of summer a financial hit only second to the holidays. With careful planning and dedication to that plan, your budget does not have to undergo an entire revamp just to make sure the young ones have a calculator.

Is Peer to Peer Lending the Future?

Traditional banks may be viewed by the government as too big to fail, but they aren't too big to face a growing level of competition from a new, technology-driven lending platform. This platform is known as peer to peer lending. In this nascent lending dynamic, online intermediaries bring borrowers and lenders together without the need for a big bank or financial institution. Lenders in a peer to peer setting are not large, structured entities such as banks, but individual investors seeking a more profitable alternative to traditional bank deposits.

The Differences Between Being Cheap vs Being Frugal

Our culture is sometimes a little confused about the virtue of saving money. On one hand, we praise people who get great deals, but if the people in question hunt for the deals too hard, they are dismissed as being cheap and told that they should live a little. The truth is that there are always two sides to every story, and therein lies the important difference between being frugal and being cheap. While these two words can technically describe the same behaviors (i.e. checking deals, looking for bargains, or making comparisons), there is a world of difference between them regarding the attitude that is expressed. Understanding the difference between frugality and being cheap is a good way to develop a mature and nuanced attitude towards money. 

How Often Does Your Credit Score Change?

Since credit scores are now so integral in the daily lives of people, even playing a role in whether someone can get a job or a loan, there is a tremendous fascination with them and how often they change. There are actually many circumstances and factors that can trigger a credit score to change. Being aware of how and when credit scores can change makes a huge difference when it is time to look for a good loan or take advantage of a great offer. 

6 Easy Money Hacks to Improve Your Finances

Looking for financial success but not sure where you should start? There are so many loopholes and hacks out there that you’ve probably never heard of - and may never will if you don’t do your research. Of course, we would never, ever suggest any type of illegal or morally unethical money tip. There are, though, plenty of tricks of the trade that are entirely within the lanes of the law. The following money hacks are useful, low-profile and, of course, legal.

It’s Time for the Talk: Discussing Finances with Your Partner

Financial difficulties are incredibly common among married and even non-married partners nowadays. While the idea of sitting down and discussing your financial problems with your partner may seem like a daunting task, not doing so could lead to even greater hardships. Having a sit-down talk with your partner will allow you both to figure out what is best for you financially, and what you can both do to recover from money problems.


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