Knowing your credit score is very important to maintaining good credit. However, many people don’t understand how to go about finding their score. is the only place where you can get your credit report for free, but this report can only be retrieved once per year. It used to be that the only way to get a genuine FICO credit score every month was to pay a service such as or Equifax. Normally it costs between $10 and $20 per month. Other websites may offer free scores or a trial period, but they use FAKOs (Experian PLUS scores, VantageScores, and other imitators) instead of the real FICO score. Checking your credit score often can be expensive, so most people don’t do it.
Luckily, that’s changing. Some credit cards are now giving ongoing free access to your real FICO. Your FICO score will be listed at the top of your credit card statement each month. When you receive your bill online or on paper, you will easily be able to see it, without paying more or signing up for anything. Two major credit card issuers, Discover and Barclaycard US, are the first to add the FICO score to their statements. More lenders are expected to become a part of this soon.
Related: What's a "Good" FICO Score?
Come back to this page for regular updates on cards that offer this feature. In the meantime, check out Barclaycard credit cards for some of the best offers on the market.
Photo credit: Shutterstock / iQoncept