Every industry has its own "Sultan of Swat." Finance is no exception. In fact, the world of finance is home to some of the most widely recognized names in the world. Here they are, in descending order: "The World's Best Financial Gurus."
Warren Buffett
If you've never heard of the feats of the "The Oracle of Omaha", you need to get out more. He represents the world's premiere in investment banking. His investments range across a wide array of industries including chocolates, drinks, razor blades, jets and even railroads. He tends to focus on value and brands and has been known for being able to pick the right companies with uncanny ability.
Laurence Fink
Known best for his current role as the head of BlackRock Financial management, Fink was originally made famous by being the first to work in the mortgage-backed securities sector. When he founded BlackStone Financial Management in 1988 he was helping to write his own destiny. Four years later, Blackstone became BlackRock.
Jamie Dimon
Jamie Dimon has made his name rather prolific of late, especially after snatching up Bear Sterns shares for a measly $10 a share in 2008. He's the CEO of JPMorgan, but started his career with American Express and later helped to found Citigroup. Even after being fired from Citi in 1998, Dimon was appointed CEO of Bank One. And, since you may know that Bank One merged with JPMorgan, you can fill in the blank yourself.
Lloyd Blankfein
Blankfein's story starts in the Bronx, moves through Harvard College, then Harvard Law and badda-bing, badda-boom, he's now Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs. His reputation has been somewhat hampered of late by the SEC, the press and the public at large, but no one can doubt his shrewd ability to master and profit from arbitrage and market fluctuation opportunities.
James Gorman
The CEO of Morgan Stanley left Merrill Lynch in 2006. His ascension to his current role as CEO of Morgan Stanley occurred in early 2010. He is most famous for his 51% purchase of Smith Barney at a price tag of $2.75 billion. While the verdict is still out on the deal, many believe the long term prospects remain very good for Morgan Stanley which now ranks as one of the world's largest wealth management organizations. While there is a large number of those in finance who have made huge waves across the world, recent years have proven very beneficial for these five individuals. Who will be the next guru to rise to the top of the list? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
Photo credit: Shutterstock / Scott Maxwell / LuMaxArt
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