I used to give my wife a hard time for loving Costco so much. She would always come home from shopping trips with huge boxes of food we couldn't fit into our cupboards, enough toilet paper to last for a year, and a bunch of other random items she probably didn't walk in expecting buy. It was really annoying at the time. Then, I joined her on a shopping trip a few years back and my eyes were finally opened to the true glory of Costco. I still complain about going on weekends when I have to fight for a parking spot half a mile away from the entrance and body check old ladies in order to get to the best food samples, but come on. Where else can you buy a new flat screen television, patio furniture, a 20-pack of figs, and a rack of ribs all in one place at great prices...while getting your prescriptions filled? It's a beautiful thing. I'm a Costco lover myself now, and it doesn't end with the shopping experience either. I love the TrueEarnings card from Costco and Amex too. If you're already a Costco member, you need this card. It really is a must-have rewards credit card for all Costco members with good enough credit to get approved. Here's 5 reasons why you should consider it: