Best Credit Cards with Signup Bonus Offers
Credit card signup bonuses are incentives card issuers use to persuade consumers to not only sign up for a new credit card, but to also start using the card right away. As long as you plan on paying off your balances in full each month, credit cards with signup bonus offers are a great way to quickly accrue miles, cash back or points.
The best credit card signup bonuses are the ones that are easily obtainable. "Easily" is a relative word depending on your budget, but some cards offer bonus miles or points simply for making one purchase or balance transfer. Seriously - one!
Other cards offer consumers a $200 cash back bonus when you spend a given amount over the course of a few months; the industry standard is anywhere from $500 to $1,000 over three months to receive your bonus.
Best $200 Cash Back Offer: Barclaycard CashForward World MasterCard - $200 Cash Back
But the most popular credit card signup bonus offers are the miles. Airline credit cards use big-time bonus miles to entice consumers over, and some travel cards will even throw in a 1:1 miles match so that you can transfer your existing miles from one card to another. Check out our list of the best signup bonus credit cards below, and be sure to consider your monthly budget and whether you prefer bonus miles, cash back or points when researching the best card for you.