With the 2011 Oscars fast approaching, the glamorous lives of Hollywood celebrities are on the forefront of American consciousness. Why does this have anything to do with the credit card industry? Because celebrities have always been the go-to spokespersons for credit cards over the years. Allow us to conduct our own form of the Academy Awards. Without further ado, here are the top 5 credit card ads featuring celebrities OF ALL TIME! 5. Pierce Brosnan- VISA Not only does this commercial feature a dapper Pierce Brosnan in his James Bond days, but also a surprise appearance by Mad Men star Christina Hendricks before she made it big.
4. Ellen Degeneres- American Express Rarely are commercials charming and hilarious at the same time, but Ellen Degeneres makes it look easy in this awesome ad.
3. Conan O'Brien- American Express In this ad, Conan looks hilariously out of place as he browses around India for the perfect silk curtains. Thank the credit gods this guy is back on TV!
2. Kevin Bacon-VISA This classic Super Bowl commercial makes us all remember that everything goes better with Bacon.
1. Wes Anderson- American Express American Express made the wise decision of allowing director Wes Anderson (of "The Royal Tenenbaums" fame) to direct his own ad showcasing his distinctive style. The result is a hilarious commercial unlike any other seen on TV.
In the market to open up a new credit card for yourself? Take a look at our credit card reviews to find the perfect card for you.
Photo credit: Shutterstock / nito