Consumers nationwide continued to feel better about the approach their credit card lenders take to customer service and were therefore more likely to forgive any missteps they felt they experienced in dealing with those companies, according to the latest annual Forgiveness Ratings issued by the Temkin Group. Forgiveness is the key element of customer loyalty, and is based on the functionality, accessibility and emotional factors consumers experience in dealing with companies.
Building Credit with Credit Cards for Bad Credit
Nobody wants to deal with repairing damaged credit, but the truth is many of us are just one serious illness or job loss away from a credit nightmare. And while it can take years of responsible credit management to build great FICO scores, it unfortunately takes just a few missed credit card payments to inflict major damage on your credit history. The good news is that bad credit isn't a permanent thing. No matter how bad your credit scores are, they can always get better! Time, in conjunction with responsible use of credit cards for poor credit, can heal all credit wounds.