

Weekly Tip: Think about buying secondhand.

Although you might want something new, do you really need it? Oftentimes, buying secondhand can result in huge savings with little or no difference in quality. Used goods can be hundreds, even thousands, of dollars less. And you may not even notice the difference. If you want to save, here are some of the best things to buy secondhand:
on Fri, 2014-08-29 16:23

Weekly Tip: Make budgeting a habit.

Waking up, brushing your teeth, taking a shower - these are all things that you don’t even think about. They have become so ingrained in your head that they are now habits. You automatically do them regularly without consciously thinking about it. Psychologists have different opinions on how long it takes to form a habit, but there’s one thing everyone agrees upon: habits can be formed through repetition. After doing something for a long time, eventually it will become automatic.
So, why not turn your finances into a habit? 
on Fri, 2014-07-11 12:14