credit card

credit card

Loan or Credit: What’s the Best Way to Make a Big Purchase?

Whether it’s a new home, car, family vacation, or something else entirely, big purchases involve a lot of planning and thought. And if you’re ready for the buy, you’ve certainly researched your options and made a decision. But you may be stuck deciding how to pay for it. Before you make the purchase, consider your payment options. Some ways of paying can be better suited to your needs than others.

Where is Discover accepted?

Discover is a great credit card company that offers excellent customer service and rewards, but it has a reputation for not being widely accepted. As a result, some consumers have shied away from getting Discover credit cards. In the past, this may have been true. But Discover’s merchant acceptance has spread dramatically over the past couple years, and the idea that they are not widely accepted is simply no longer true.

5 Credit Card Myths

[caption id="attachment_1955" align="alignleft" width="254" caption=" "]Credit Card Myths[/caption]

That shiny piece of plastic burning a rectangle-shaped hole in your wallet is one of life's trickiest necessities.

On the one hand, you can't make it much farther than 25 without some line of credit to show for yourself.

On the other, credit cards are often intimidating: whole episodes of Oprah are dedicated to really good people with decades' worth of credit card debt they didn’t mean to accrue. You're a good person. Does that mean you are going to accrue a Kilimanjaro-sized mountain of debt as well?

Credit Card Fees Now Deductible When Paying Uncle Sam

Uncle Sam

Have you avoided paying your tax bill with a credit card because you just couldn't bear paying any more than you must to anyone on April 15th? I suspect many of you fall into this category, as do I. Even if the dollar amount is small, the thought of paying an additional 2.49% to cover the fee charged by credit card companies always makes me cringe. So, I continue to pull out the trusty checkbook, dust it off, and write one of the handful of checks I send out each year.

Frugality Becomes Chic

Rise up all you frugalists and be heard! Now is your time to finally enjoy some bragging rights. While your friends bought multiple homes, boats, cars, and racked up some serious credit card debt to keep up with the latest trends, you quietly lived within your means and saved up a pile of cash for troubled times. It may not have been easy at first, but after awhile you found it became a natural part of your everyday life.

Economic Crisis: Perspective Is Everything

Having worked at the World Trade Center, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual, and one of the country’s largest insurance firms, I feel very connected to many of the institutions and events that are in the news every day. I never could have imagined the changes the financial industry has experienced over the last seven years, and, with this most recent economic crisis, I know that many are wondering, “What in the world is going on” and “How does it affect me?” Let me first say that despite what the media would have you believe, we have seen this before and we will get through it.