

Ask Creditnet: How Long Will a Bankruptcy Last on Your Credit Reports?

Dear Creditnet: I filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy on April 1, 2009, and I've avoided any type of credit since then. I haven't even checked my credit scores in years. When will the bankruptcy fall off my credit reports, and will it happen automatically? If it doesn't happen automatically, what do I need to do to convince the credit bureaus to remove it? - Jake from WI

Ask Creditnet: Credit Card Options After Bankruptcy

Dear Creditnet: My FICO score has climbed to 668 after going through a bankruptcy in 2008, and now I'm looking to improve my credit even more by getting an unsecured credit card. However, I don’t want to apply and hurt my score if I'll just get an automatic rejection due to the bankruptcy. I know that I can probably go through Orchard Bank (HSBC) for an unsecured credit card, but are there are other viable options?

How to Rebuild Credit After Bankruptcy

Going through a bankruptcy can be painful, but the bankruptcy itself usually isn't what causes all the ulcers and sleepless nights. Those often arrive in full force after the bankruptcy is finalized and you're trying to repair your damaged credit.  The process can be infuriating! Fortunately, the mantra "time heals all wounds" directly applies to rebuilding your credit as well.  Of course, that doesn't mean you should just sit back and do nothing to improve your financial situation, so let's discuss a few of the practical methods you can use to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy.