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How Big is Your Emergency Fund?

Running a household requires careful planning and preparation for a wide range of potential problems. An emergency fund (rainy day jar) is a way that individuals can demonstrate prudence in acknowledging that while no one can predict when something bad will happen, chances are high that something bad will happen at sometime in all of our lives. How big is your emergency fund?

Is Going Cashless The Next Big Thing?

Going cashless is a trend that is taking over the world of business. Businesses have spent the two decades trying to go paperless, but there is still a need for paper in certain situations. Cashless business are new inventions of the digital age, but business managers must understand how to create a cashless company. The idea behind going cashless is a noble one, but the act if living a cashless lifestyle at work is much more difficult.

Are Americans Saving Too Much?

While the economy has pretty much recovered from the economic scare of 2008, it doesn’t appear as if Americans have yet. In recent years, over 700,000 new jobs have entered the workforce, but have Americans begun spending that hard-earned money they are making? No, not yet, and it’s hard to tell when they will start.

How to Save Money this Summer

Summer is a time for fun in the sun and a carefree lifestyle. Make sure you budget for all your activities and trips in advance to ensure you get the best deals and save plenty of money this summer. The following tips should help you in your quest to enjoy the longer days and warmer nights without breaking the bank.

When are the New Credit Reporting Changes Coming Out?

Regulators are continuously searching for safer methods to protect consumers. Whether decisions are made to provide additional disclosures or to enforce certain rules for negligent credit practices, consumers are the ultimate beneficiaries of enhanced oversight. New credit reporting changes that are due to take effect should provide greater opportunities for consumers to address various credit-base discrepancies. Many of the new credit sharing procedures involve the collection and the reporting of a consumer’s account information.

Raising Your Business Credit Score

Just as with personal credit, business credit helps suppliers, lenders, and other creditors quickly determine whether a business pays its bills on-time. As a business owner, you will want to put your company in a position to where it can secure whatever financing it may need. This means you will have to establish, build, and maintain your company's credit profile.

What Can You Do Without Debt?

Today’s economy makes it seem nearly impossible to function without some sort of debt. From car loans to credit cards and even house payments, all of the niceties of life come at a cost, and society suggests paying for those things over time not upfront.

Are You Behind On Your Retirement Savings?

Saving for retirement is one of the most important financial goals. In the old days, people would work for one company for thirty or forty years and then would be able to retire comfortably with a pension and social security. However, times have now changed both in retirement planning and how long people stay at their jobs throughout a career. There are many priorities that pop up during life, such as a child's college, that get in the way of retirement savings.

Is Mobile Banking Bad For You?

One of the greatest changes in the world over the past twenty to thirty years is the internet. Not only has the internet essentially transformed the value of information, but it has also transformed how everyone approaches common tasks that were more complicated years ago. One of the areas that has undergone the most dramatic change is the field of banking. In years past, knowing your local bank and the people that worked there was one of the things you simply just did as an adult.

Daylight Savings: Saving You Money and Time

With the days growing longer and warmer and the clock set forward an hour, many people are adjusting to the time change and getting ready for summer. However, what most people don't realize is that Daylight Savings Time can actually help bolster their financial and credit health and save them money as well. Here are ten ways Daylight Savings Time can help a money-savvy person save money and use time more efficiently!
1. New Vistas In Dating
