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Credit Card Bill: Consumers with Good Credit May Bear its Burden

The Credit Card Act of 2009 certainly had good intentions to protect the average consumer from unfair practices that have plagued the credit card industry for years. However, it may not be all good news - especially for credit savvy consumers who have mastered the art of the credit game and learned how to use it to their financial advantage.

Auto-pay Credit Cards from Online Savings Accounts

Did you know you can set up automatic payments for many of your credit cards directly from an online savings account? This can be an excellent way to earn the highest interest rate possible on your cash while ensuring credit card bills are always paid on time, so it's definitely worth taking a few minutes to explore.

on Wed, 2009-07-08 17:00

Happy 4th of July!

We wish all you Creditnetters a very happy Independence Day!  Drive safely and spend wisely! The Creditnet Team

How Many Credit Scores Do I Have?

Unless you don't exist in the credit system for some reason, you actually have three credit scores. And you have three credit scores because you also have three credit reports — one from each of the major credit bureaus. While each credit report should be similar, chances are they contain different information because certain lenders may only report to one of the major credit bureaus. Therefore, each of your credit scores will likely be different as well.

on Mon, 2009-06-22 17:00

The Return of The Annual Fee

A couple of weeks ago President Barack Obama officially signed into law a bill that will change the credit card industry forever. Now, the main problem remaining for consumers is that most of the new rules don't actually take effect until February of next year.

Shop Credit Cards the Smart Way - Compare and Apply Online

The days of just applying for whatever credit card offer you received in the mail are long gone. And that's a good thing, because it wasn't a smart way to shop in the first place. If you were in the market for a new TV, would you buy the first offer that arrived in the mail without checking online to compare other products and prices? Of course not, and choosing a new credit card should be considered an even more important financial decision.

on Sun, 2009-06-14 17:00

New Rules Restrict Credit for Students

You can buy cigarettes, porn, lotto tickets, and even a gun when you turn 18. Of course, you can vote and join the military without parental consent as well. But according to new rules recently signed into law by President Obama, you're not responsible enough to use a credit card without getting mommy or daddy's signature first.

Bid Double-Cycle Billing Goodbye

While the Credit Card Act of 2009 may not be perfect, it will put an end to some of the more egregious practices that have plagued the credit card industry for decades. Among the major changes the law will enact, double-cycle billing is one that consumer activists are especially excited to bid goodbye.

on Sun, 2009-06-07 17:00

New Concept in Business Spending

The economy, in its current state, is definitely not handing out any favors to businesses, small or large. Getting a business credit card is more difficult than ever. Not only are major credit card issuers limiting the amount of credit extended to business owners, but some issuers (like Advanta) are even closing their doors indefinitely! So how are business owners to handle their day-to-day business spending without a credit card or with a credit card with a low limit?

Why Credit Still Counts

It's easy to despise the credit issuers.

Who else should we blame for the ugly state in which our credit card industry exists today? Should we blame consumers for making poor financial decisions and living beyond their means? Perhaps Congress for taking so long to get its act together? Why not blame Bush? He's an easy target for just about anything bad that's happened to our country and the economy.

on Thu, 2009-06-04 17:00
