Looking for a new rewards credit card that's forward thinking? Do you pay your credit card bill on time and stay within your credit limit each month? And do you happen to spend most of your entertainment budget on books, movies, music, and eating out? If so, you may be the perfect candidate for the new Citi Forward card, which aims to help you make wise credit decisions by consistently rewarding your responsible financial behavior.
With no annual fee, the Citi Forward card can reduce your initial interest rate up to 2% for making purchases within your credit limit and paying on time each and every month. In addition, you'll receive 5 Thank You points for every dollar spent in the "responsible" categories listed above. Tack on 0% APR for 6 months and 100 additional Thank You points per month when you pay on time and stay within your limit, and you will be surprised how fast the points pile up.
Check out the details on the Citi Forward card today and apply securely online.