If the only thing that matters to you when paying off debt is saving dollars and cents, the payment strategy that clearly makes the most financial sense is paying off your balance with the highest interest rate first. So try this method out and start watching your balances shrink!
Start out by doubling your monthly payments on the card with the highest APR while continuing to make the...
This Week's Credit Tip
Recent Credit Tips
Mar 11, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Dispute damaged credit card purchases.
Although it is common knowledge that you can dispute billing errors and fraudulent transactions with your credit card issuer, many people do not know that they can dispute charges for damaged goods paid with credit cards.... -
Mar 05, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Contact Your Credit Card Company Before Traveling
There’s a lot to do before taking a big trip. And although you are sure to pack your credit cards, you may not even think about contacting your credit card company. It’s a hassle... -
Feb 28, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Avoid Deferred Interest Credit Cards
Buy now & pay later... It sounds like a deal! Deferred interest credit cards are advertised as free credit cards that shoppers can get right on the spot. They are offered by major retailers, such as... -
Feb 21, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Keep Track of Your Credit Card Rewards
You may have a rewards credit card, but are you using those rewards? According to a survey conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International, 73% of Americans who are enrolled in rewards programs... -
Feb 12, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Know Your Consumer Rights
As a cardholder, you have certain rights under the federal law. The Consumer Credit Protection Act insures that consumers are legally protected when it comes to borrowing money, applying for credit, and dealing with debt. It is broken down into... -
Feb 07, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Save Your Receipts
Weekly Tip: Save Your Receipts Most people trash their receipts. They add up fast, and before you know it, you have a ton of pieces of paper floating around your purse or lying around your house. However, getting rid of your receipts isn... -
Jan 30, 2014 | Weekly Tip: ALWAYS Read the Fine Print When Signing Up for a New Credit Card
When you’re applying for a new credit card, it’s easy to go for the most popular cards or the ones with flashy promotions. But before you get stuck with a credit card you may... -
Jan 15, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Is it Bad to Miss a Credit Card Payment?
Missing a credit card payment may not seem like a big deal, but it can easily sink your credit score. When you skip a payment or make a late payment on your credit card, mortgage, or loan, creditors will think that you are not... -
Jan 07, 2014 | Weekly Tip: Set a budget for yourself
2014 is the year to get your finances under control and save money, right? Like many New Year’s resolutions, this task may seem daunting. It is hard to save money and change your spending habits, but it’s not impossible. By setting a budget for... -
Dec 17, 2013 | Weekly Tip: Keep Credit Card Balances Low
It’s easy to keep swiping your card over and over again, especially with the holiday season upon us. But be careful not to get too close to your credit limit when you’re swiping away. One of the easiest ways to lower your credit...
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