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Walmart Credit Card Review: Is It Worth It?

Like most retailers these days, Walmart has its own store credit card, but is it really worth it? Lets take a look.


Like most retailers it comes with a lot of flashy promotions. The latest attempt to hook shoppers is a $25 savings when you spend open a Walmart Credit Card and spend $75 in your first visit. Sounds nice, but nothing too special. When you consider most cards on the market these days give you at minimum a year long introductory zero percent APR, a measly $25 bucks really isn't that much in the big picture.


According to a report by Shan Li of the Los Angeles Times, neither the government shutdown or the looming debt ceiling issues will have any detrimental affect on the country's creditworthiness.

(According to Moody's Investors Service) which predicted last month that Congress would avoid a shutdown, said Monday that the United States would continue to pay off its debts no matter what happens with the budget impasse.

Ignorance isn't Bliss: Why Checking Your Credit Report is a Must

We've all seen the commercials with the hip, lip-syncing bands spitting rhymes about how cool it is to check your credit score. I along with a lot of other people sat there not thinking twice about it. I pay my credit card in full every month, I rent my apartment and my car is paid off. What could possibly be wrong with my credit score?

on Thu, 2013-10-03 12:56

5 Reasons 20 Somethings Prefer Discover

For most people in their 20s, keeping their finances organized is probably not too high on their list. After just getting out of college, most recent graduates either have a credit card with a hefty balance or no credit card or credit history. The Discover It card can and will fix these problems for those millennials trying to get ahead in the financial world while at the same time earning some great perks along the way.

The The Travelocity® Rewards American Express® Card offer is currently not available from Creditnet.com

However the below card(s) are recommended by Creditnet as a great alternative to the The Travelocity® Rewards American Express® Card:

The Travelocity® Rewards American Express® Card

Breaking It Down: What's a Credit Card Issuer?

It's a simple question and common question asked by many - what exactly is a credit card issuer? If you're surfing around financial websites you've probably read the term a thousand times, but what exactly does it mean and how does it affect you? Who are they, how do they work, and what really happens when you swipe that plastic?

Mythbusting: Building your credit with debit

One thing that's prevalent through the minds of plenty, especially in the youth, is that prepaid debit and checking account debit cards are ways to build credit. Well I'm here to tell you to consider that myth busted.

on Wed, 2013-09-25 12:44

Chase will still allow, as most card companies do, a card holder to add an authorized user to their account, but the difference is unlike a joint account where both parties are on the hook for all debts accrued, an authorized user is not responsible for anything they charge onto the card, only the primary user is. 

According to an Experian analysis of bank card trends, brand new credit card accounts sprung up 21 percent in Quarter 2 over last year's Quarter 2 numbers. This has also led to a $12 billion increase in credit limits handed out.

Some Facts About Discover Cards That You May Not Know

I’m willing to bet in your lifetime you’ve had more than one Visa or MasterCard (whether it was a Debit or Credit card). In all likelihood you’ve had an American Express at least once. And I’m also willing to bet if you are a hard bargainer and looking for great deals, you have probably acquired a Discover Card as well.

Here’s are some things about Discover you may not know.
